עברית לחץ כאן

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You are in the internet site of the evergreen HAVIVA STREET in Ramot Remez:


האתר של רחוב חביבה

In this site you may see photographs of thousands cyclamen flowers,
and information useful for the municipial building plan in Haviva Street:
Two pages important for the building are marked below "NEW!"  (in red color)

                            Do you like flowers?                            

Here is a free book of only 36 pages with 64 photographs of thousands of pink-violet flowers,
mainly shy tender cyclamen (rakefet, cyclamen persicum) flowers.
It consists of 96% photographs and only 4% text.

Shocking Pink-Violet

Look at the photographs ONE PAGE AT A TIME by pressing here 
  36 separate pages of photographs of thousands cyclamens 2004
  12 separate pages of photographs of thousands cyclamens 2005
  26 separate pages of photographs of thousands cyclamens 2006
  14 separate pages of photographs of thousands cyclamens 2007

  29 separate pages of photographs of thousands cyclamens 2008 NOT YET ACTIVE

  Only users with STRONG COMPUTERS AND FAST COMMUNICATION may look in the VERY LARGE FILES with many pages together version of 2004:

This shocking internet book (2004) has two parts:



  The files above are VERY LARGE, so sometimes readers have to wait a LONG time.
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  From Part A of the book:

"On the famous Cyclamen Hill near Kibbutz Ein Hashofet in Israel, thousands of cyclamen flowers hide in the shade of tree groves. Thousands of visitors come to see them during the long flowering season.
This small book includes photographs of thousands of cyclamen flowers, that hide in another grove - unknown to most people because it grows between buildings, in the neighborhood of Nave Shaanan in Haifa, Israel. Loosely translated, Nave Shaanan means a tranquil resting-place of beauty."


  The shock is in the last page, cited here from Part B of the book:

The pink-violet color of flowers and tree blossoms is beautiful.
But the title of the book is:


What is shocking?
The DEATH VERDICT is shocking.
The threatening death verdict on thousands of cyclamen flowers and the dozens of Judas trees (klil hahoresh) with their pink-violet flowers, together with thousands of other ornamental trees, most of them casuarina, lie in groves between the buildings.
This verdict (based on what trial evidence?), is a by product of a municipal building plan to enlarge the buildings in the neighborhood.
Instead of thousands of cyclamen flowers and thousands of ornamental trees, there will be additional apartments and parking lots.
Is this what they want?
Will someone earn money from this?
How come?
The flowers and trees are silent.
This small book is an appeal against this death verdict.
It is not known yet whether the photographs in this book present an oasis of beauty that will continue to enrich us every season, or will the oasis be spoken of in the past tense as:
"Once it was beautiful, but no more."




 Hundreds letters of objections were sent by people living in the neighborhood protesting against this municipal building plan. Will they help? To read one of them press

To see the information press on the appropriate underlined colored line/word, (as usual).

  Some documents related to plan Haifa/2187:

A letter of objection (ENGLISH ONLY - 72 lines - 3 Kb TXT file - 4 Kb HTM file)
of a senior citizen living on Haviva St. in the neighborhood.

A letter written by a resident living on Haviva St. to JNF (Keren Kayemet LeIsrael) (ENGLISH ONLY - 1 page 44Kb DOC file, OR 6Kb HTM file).

"Hok pinuy-binuy (pizuyim) 21.12.2005" - exact text in two last pages of HEBREW ONLY 200Kb PDF file.
"Hok pinuy-binuy (pizuyim) 21.12.2005" - 1st vote in Israeli Knesset (ONLY IN HEBREW - 49Kb DOC file - 7 pages).
"Hok pinuy-binuy (pizuyim) 21.12.2005" - vote in Law Committee of the Israeli Knesset (ONLY IN HEBREW - 44Kb HTM file).
"Hok pinuy-binuy (pizuyim) 21.12.2005" - 2nd & 3rd votes in Israeli Knesset (ONLY IN HEBREW - 46Kb DOC file - 3 pages).
Comments: The citizens of the neighborhood were not asked about this law.
Members of the Knesset and the Law Committee were never told that there is a strange animal called "Ibuy," and that they are voting also to include "Ibuy" in the law.
The initiator of the "Pinuy-Binuy Law (21.12.2005)" is a member of the Knesset, (MP) Nissan Slomyanski, who claims to be the head of the lobby of retired and senior citizens in the Knesset (Israeli parliament). The distinguished MP Nissan Slomyanski and other members of the Knesset may read above the objection and the letter of a senior citizen who lives on Haviva St. since the early 1970's and strongly objects this plan.

Tama38: Tochnit Mitar Arzit 38 (14.4.2005) (ONLY IN HEBREW - 210Kb PDF file - 13 pages)
Comment: Tama38 allows only one additional floor.
Plan Haifa/2187 does not comply with Tama38, because plan Haifa/2187 calls for the addition of 2-3 additional floors to 15 old buildings. There are many other differences between the two plans.
We are not responsible for any information given in any other internet sites.
More details, explanations and directions in TAMA38 internet site (Hebrew)

NEW! New not yet obligatory Israeli standard 2413 for strengthening OLD EXISTING buildings against earthquakes, in addition to the existing Israeli standard 413 for planning NEW building to withstand earthquakes!
NEW! More on Israeli standard 2413 for strengthening OLD EXISTING buildings against earthquakes (HEBREW ONLY 1 page).     14Kb HTM file    32Kb RTF (WORD) file

Relevant earthquakes problems (ONLY IN HEBREW 2 pages 83Kb DOC).

Detailed report on earthquakes problems (ONLY IN HEBREW 8 pages 70Kb DOC).

About preparations to earthquakes in Haifa (ONLY IN HEBREW 1 page 16Kb RTF WORD).

About survival in earthquakes in Haifa (ONLY IN HEBREW 1 page 12Kb RTF WORD).

The trees in "Mitham Haviva" - some data (1 page: 40Kb HEBREW DOC, OR 3Kb HEBREW HTM, OR ENGLISH DOC (WORD), OR ENGLISH RTF (WORD), OR ENGLISH RTF (WORDPAD)).

Transportation and parking in "Mitham Haviva" (1 page: 21Kb HEBREW DOC, OR 3Kb HEBREW HTM, OR RUSSIAN DOC).

NEW! Know your rights! Do not sign a contract before getting a second opinion! Examples of problems in "Mitham Haviva" (HEBREW 3 pages: DOC WORD, OR RTF WORD, OR 10Kb HTM, OR RUSSIAN DOC WORD, OR RUSSIAN RTF WORD).

New: The committee for objections approved Haifa/2187 plan (Hebrew 14 pages 632K PDF).

New: You are invited to see the Haifa/2187 plan (Hebrew 1 page 224K PDF).


E-mail responses press here

We are not responsible for any information given in any other internet sites. See conditions.

Blog in blog site. (Hebrew)

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) (Hebrew)

A photograph of Judas trees in Virginia, USA

A drawing of a Judas tree

A list of protected trees and flowers in Israel (Hebrew)

The international Cyclamen Society,
including beautiful photographs of many types of cyclamens all over the world. (English)

Did you know?
Haviva Street is named in memory of Haviva Rayk (1914-1944), who was murdered by the Nazis during a mission in Europe in World War II.
The word "Haviva" means in Hebrew: "A pleasant woman."
Haviva is an EVERGREEN street. That is, until they will build on the GREEN TREES and CYCLAMENS areas.


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Last updated: June 5, 2013

The contents of this site has been suggested by individuals or some groups in the neighborhood.
It may be presented or not, but there is no obligation for its presentation.
We hope that the information presented will be useful, as well as pleasant to watch (flowers, trees).
Because this internet site is handled by volunteers, the languages (Hebrew and English) in various parts of this site, and other features and limitations are kept simple to minimize the programming time.
This internet site is informative only.
Neither advertisement nor spam are allowed (hopefully).
No guarantee is given to the reader for any damage whatsoever.
By reading or copying from this site, the reader agrees to be fully responsible for any damage that reading or copying from this site or using the information contained may cause himself, or anybody else.
In addition, we are not responsible for any information given in any other internet sites.
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